My Qualifications


  • New York Life Agent since 2005

  • Registered Representative

  • Leaders for Life Certificate in Small Business Solutions

  • Leaders for Life Small Business Summit

  • Leaders for life Certificate for Advance Markets

  • 11 years experience in the Military

  • Over 15 years experience in the Private Security industry


  • Executive Council Agent

  • Long Term Care Insurance 2012 Champion

  • Guaranteed Life Income Annuity FYC

  • Leader 2011

  • New Org Agent, Long Term Care 2006 Champion


  • Individual Life Insurance

  • Fixed Immediate Annuities

  • Fixed Deferred Annuities*

  • Variable Annuities

  • Variable Life Insurance

  • Long - Term Care Insurance

  • Health Insurance**

  • Disability Income Insurance**


  • Buy-Sell Funding

  • Deferred Compensation

  • Executive Bonus

  • Key Person Protection

  • Voluntary Payroll Deduction Programs

  • Qualified Plan Funding:

    • SEPs

    • Keoghs

    • 401(k)s

    • Pensions

*Certain annuities issued by New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation (A Delaware Corporation)

** Products available through one or more carriers not affiliated with New York Life, dependent on carrier authorization and product availability in your state or locality.